Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Day 3

I'm still not entirely sure what a Pneumonia Front is. But I never, ever want it to happen again.

That said, I was stuck inside most of the day anyway. What with class and all. That was a drag. And I can't remember the last time I had such a difficult time getting out of bed in the morning. I have a very busy week. But when it is over, after the after-party, it's the motherfucking bachelor party!

OK...so...things to talk about. Man, I'm really tired...

I went to the teacher store today. I felt like a teacher. So that's good. I bought some stickers for the Field Day tomorrow. And a book on sign language.

The Field Day tomorrow. I'm putting on a Field Day. Many of you probably know that I picked up a gig teaching P.E. at a tiny Seventh-day Adventist school three hours a week. I don't know very much (read: anything) about teaching P.E. so I pretty much just did what all my P.E. teachers did...order the kids around, make them do a bunch of stuff that I sure as hell wouldn't want to do, then start up a football game or something in which I prominently flaunt my superior speed and size (well...size at least.) ANYWAY...school year is ending and I have to throw a Field Day together tomorrow. It's not going to be very good. But I will talk about that tomorrow since it is happening tomorrow.

But today I prepared for it. Not as much as I should have. One of the catches is that this school does not have very much equipment AT ALL. So I'm going to another school in the morning to borrow a bunch of equipment. And tonight I ran to the CVS to buy water balloons at 10:00. Can't imagine that many people wander in at 10 PM to buy water balloons.

Actually, going to the CVS was probably the highlight of my day. No, I don't plan on looking back on today as the highlight of my summer. But going to CVS gave me an opportunity to drive around on the empty streets listening to Bonnie Prince Billy. I think that the recipe for a completely happy life can be found in listening to the right music at the right time of day. This is not an exact science of course, but if you follow this formula you will probably be doing all right:

Upbeat, loud, trunk rattling music by day.

Giddy, full, sing along music at sunset.

Sad music late at night.

That's a start at least. And it especially holds true in a car. And it can be adjusted to fit the particular mood. But I have rarely found a time when sad music did not sound best late at night. This is just the BEST (and ONLY) time of day for sadness. But the beauty of it is that nighttime sadness does not even really feel like sadness. It is just the normal state of being for these hours. Every bit of happiness must have some melancholy attached to it to make it real, and this is when it comes out. And pretty soon the sun will come up and it will disappear. Then it's time to pop in 36 Chambers and throw yr "W" up!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It came to my attention, while reading this, that most of what I listen to can be considered "sad music". It does not change much according to the time of the day. I do have a rule, bossa nova is for rainy days. And I can not listen to M83 if the sun is out.