Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Day 11

Should I be sad that summer is 1/10 of the way over?

My theory is "NO". There is 9/10 of the summer remaining. And furthermore, even when it does end I never feel quite as sad about it as I thought I would be. I think this is because it is usually still warm into October, the Cubs may be in the pennant race, and before you know it it is Christmas time. There is always something...

But first things first. Lots of summer fun to go.

Today was the day after birthday day. I got up and took my dad to the airport. Then I pretty much just lazed around much of the day. I made myself some of those Morningstar Farms tomato basil burgers which are actually pretty good. Better than the Pizza Burger at least. I cut up some guacamole and tomatoes to put on them. And sliced up some strawberries and ate them with sugar. For dessert...FlavorIce!

So I was going to do some homework before work but instead I watched the final two hours of When the Levees Broke. Kind of a downer. But I would definitely recommend it. Just prepare to be depressed and angry.

And then I went to work. Worked four hours. Went on two bike rides. The second one was splendid. It was about twenty minutes before sunset and just splendid outside. We went to the pond. There were ducks.

Now I am watching Weeds.

Good night.

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