Thursday, June 19, 2008

Day 26

Here we go...

I spent most of today getting ready for the train. I went to the bank and got some cash. Went to the library and got Idlewild on DVD for the trip. I also got another disc of Six Feet Under. I think I have six hours worth of that show so that will help. I do have 48 hours in trains over the next week. And I went to Best Buy. I was looking for four albums. The Hold Steady (which may not be out yet), Silver Jews, King Khan and the Shrines, and Wolf Parade. They had none of those. So I bought the first K'naan album. I've never listened to him before but he is the first act that I plan on catching at Lollapalooza at 11:30 Friday morning, and seeing as he is one of the few rap acts at the festival I'm going to try and get into him.

And then I just kind of packed and sat around and such. Oh yeah...the new Girl Talk album was released today on his record label's site and it is free. Unless you are a sucker and you pay for it. So I downloaded it and listened while I ran errands. It is awesome. Very similar to the first one (or the first one people actually have.) There is a great Weezy/Sinead mash-up near the beginning.

Anyway, now I am just chilling, listening to Broken Social Scene (who is incidentally playing a Lollapalooza after-show with Yeasayer the Saturday of the festival), and being generally happy. I'm a little anxious about the whole getting on the train ordeal. And a little more anxious about the finding my hotel ordeal. But mostly I'm excited.

Also, my telephone rang about six times before nine o'clock this morning. Apparently somebody who doesn't realize that nobody in my house goes to sleep before 2 AM really wanted to talk. So that was cool. But I finally did fall back asleep and slept till quarter to eleven. Which was good. I got eight or nine hours each of the last two nights to help catch me up from about ten straight days of six or less. And it's probably a good thing cause I'm not sure how well I will sleep on the train. And I don't want to be TOO tired to begin my vacation.

Ah well, either way, I'll shake it off like a rock star!

And that's it. Tomorrow night I will have a full report on my 21-hour train ride. It should be good reading.

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