Sunday, June 15, 2008

Day 22

Today was my most productive day in almost three weeks. I got a lot done but I still have quite a bit more to do. And I work ten hours tomorrow so it is going to be a long night for me. But I will be so happy on Tuesday evening.

So since I spent most of the day doing homework I don't have all that much exciting stuff to say about today. Except that I watched Malibu's Most Wanted while studying. I believe this was the first time I've ever watched it straight through. And it is a terrible movie. That said, I think there are a lot of interesting things in play here. For all the bad acting, cheesy dialogue, ridiculous plotlines, etc. it actually makes some pretty good points on the phenomenon of rich kids who wish they lived in the hood. I kind of doubt they did this intentionally but they kind of nailed it, albeit in a ridiculous manner. The film also pokes fun at the typical campaign that aims at stopping gang violence using useless methods. Of course, it's still a terrible, terrible movie. And they really don't touch on these issues beyond a really skin deep glance that only someone like me who watches for that kind of shit would pick up on. So basically, it was a pretty good idea for a movie, it just needed different personnel. And for God sakes...give it an R rating next time. I'm not sure there is anything cheesier than PG-13 gangsta movies.

So I guess Obama gave a Father's Day sermon today. I don't really see what the big deal was but I was watching Newsroom and Rick Sanchez was trying to make it out like there is going to be some big controversy because Obama is catering to white voters by saying black men need to be more responsible fathers. If someone gets what this means at all feel free to leave a comment explaining it to me. Then he compared Obama to Bill Cosby which just made me cringe. He says that Obama can expect the same backlash that Cosby received after he called out hip hop. Huh?

Well, I guess I should get some sleep. Almost time for NYC.

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