Thursday, June 5, 2008

Day 12


So yesterday's post felt a little forced. Which is bound to happen when I am forcing myself to blog every day. But it is not ideal. Every day there are things that happen that are interesting and worth noting. In fact, even yesterday when I struggled to come up with things at the end of the day I actually had several things happen over the course of the day that were certainly blog worthy. I just was blanking on them when it came down to it. Perhaps I need to start taking notes throughout the day.

For the moment I will tell one thing that happened on Day 11 that I wish I had noted yesterday. I got my first mosquito bite of the summer. I realize that this is not exactly a cause for celebration but it means that summer is in full swing so that's cool. Also, I told my mom and she panicked about West Nile Virus. She says that what with the wedding next month and all she can't handle me dying right now. That seemed like one of the weirdest overreactions anyone could possibly have when matter-of-factedly about a a mosquito bite. It's always an adventure...

And for today I will talk about one other thing that I do not enjoy per se but it always puts me in a good mood. Every year there are these little fluffy things floating in the air in the beginning of June. They make me sneeze, which sucks, but they always come with warm weather so there is that association in my mind. And today it was 87 degrees out so there is that too.

Today I just had my morning class and it was actually very enjoyable. We talked about politics and schools and Thomas Jefferson and James Madison and Ronald Reagan (ugh) and stuff like that. And racism. Lots of racism. And then it was 11:30 and time to go home already and no work today. Good day. So I stopped at the Citgo/Subway on the way home to get a Dr. Pepper/Sub and there was a lady yelling at the gas station attendant all crazy like, "WHY YOU UP IN MY KOOL-AID!?!?!? Like really lettin' dude have it. And she was with another lady and a guy and a little kid and they just looked kind of embarrassed. But she was just screaming at the guy and he didn't even seem like he knew what she was talking about. Then when I was driving away I passed them walking on the road and she was still screaming about her Kool-Aid. Hooray Entertainment!

So I had big plans to get a lot of work done today since I didn't have to go to work. Yeah, that worked about as well as you would imagine. I came home and ate my sub and watched Weeds. Then, of course, I watched two more episodes of Weeds. Then since I wasn't getting anything done anyway I went to Borders and spent a bunch of money on the new Nick Cave album, a book (which I'll discuss in a moment), and a frozen coffee (87 degrees out.)

After supper I actually did get a little bit done on a paper I was supposed to turn in two days ago. I worked outside which made it enjoyable. But then I came inside to watch the Cubs game and made the mistake of picking up the new book I bought. It is called Gang Leader For a Day and it is amazing. It's by this Indian-American guy named Sudhir Venkatesh. He was a grad student at the University of Chicago in the late '80s and he just decided he wanted to learn more about race and poverty and such and so he just showed up in the 'jects and started hanging out with the Black Kings. I can't put it down. I read until the Cubs game was over. (They won.) I will certainly have plenty to say on this book later.

So then it was 12:30. I certainly would not call it a wasted day. It was a glorious day. But I didn't get much done in the way of homework. Which kind of sucks because I was hoping to get a lot done so I can go to Blues Fest this weekend. But never fear...I have devised an in depth plan of how everything will work out. It goes like this: I just go to Blues Fest anyway.

Oh yeah...after the game and the reading were done I watched the first episode of Six Feet Under. I think I got me another show to watch on top of everything else.

Party like a...

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